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Biomass Power Plant 32 MW Performance Trial Successfully Completed

Sunbird is pleased to announce that during the performance test of the biomass to power plant in Sierra Leone we achieved its designed output of 32 MW. Power is currently being exported to the national grid under the terms of the PPA (power purchase agreement).

“This renewable energy project has the capacity to provide 20% of Sierra Leone’s power” said Richard Bennett, CEO of Sunbird Bioenergy. “Furthermore, we believe this to be the largest biomass to power project in West Africa and it clearly demonstrates the potential for low-carbon power projects in the region.

Biomass Power Plant

The power house was designed and constructed by De Smet Engineers and houses a 32 MW Siemens Turbo generator. Steam is generated from bagasse and other waste biomass in two ISGEC boilers. It is designed to supply more than 200 GWh of power for the estate and surplus power is sold to the national grid.

Biomass Power Plant 32 MW

Sunbird Bioenergy’s 32 MW Biomass to Power Plant in Sierra Leone, Africa.

Sustainable Feedstock

The plant is being fuelled by a variety of sustainable biomass feedstock including bagasse, napier grass, sorghum, miscanthus and wood chips. Sunbird is currently implementing an agricultural program that will deliver sufficient feedstock to generate more than 200 GWh of power.


Biomass arriving at the power plant.

24*7 Operations

The power plant is currently operating 24*7 and will continue to produce power during the dry season. This is the time period when the country most requires power because the Bumbuna Dam and Hydroelectric project runs low on water. The rainy season generally starts in June and the dam is usually refilled by mid August.

Biomass Power Station Control Room

Biomass Power Station Control Room operates 24*7.

Grid Connection

The power station is connected to the national grid in Sierra Leone. The company has constructed and commissioned 40 towers and over 10km of high voltage line.


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